Now accepting submissions.

Within the last 48 hours, we have witnessed her pseudo-concession speech and the emails insisting that she will support Barack Obama from this point forward. We have listened to the thank-yous for helping to kick-start one competitive campaign. At last, we shed a tear (perhaps multiple tears) as she addressed us on TV for one last time: our first, serious, female US presidential candidate.

We will support Barack Obama in his presidential candidacy. We believe his desire to bring change to this country; much like we have throughout the primary season.

But for those of us who have supported Hillary as our number-one nominee, there is a part of each one of us that needs space to grieve, vent, and grumble about all of the misgivings of this primary season - and the despicable way that the media (and, sometimes, other Americans) have discussed and deplored Hillary Clinton as both a woman and a candidate. Perhaps, while our healing begins, we can find space on here to applaud her as well.

In the days and weeks to come, we'll be collecting art and writings for submission to this blog. There is no deadline, and this is not something we intend to stop any time soon... so long as we need a space to keep on talking.

Please email now to submit.

Monday, June 9, 2008

In the heat of the moment.

People should not underestimate the scope and impact of this disgrace. If we are supposed to bow down and support Mr. Obama, then he must first explain to me why Hillary should not be his running mate given the following circumstances: Barack Obama finished first as a result of the most unbelievable political trickery: caucuses and super-delegates… Without those stupid caucuses, Barack would have been trounced in the primaries. Hillary Clinton won all the important states and the popular vote. Can you think of a more qualified VP candidate than Hillary?

Hillary is willing to work as a VP for Barack. Explain to me why she does not “deserve” the VP position.

I will vote for the democratic ticket if Hillary is the VP. If not, I will not vote at all. I will never vote for a Republican, and I am outraged by the treatment of Hillary Clinton. I will not be told to suck it up. If they want us Hillary folks to be team players, then they should be team players as well. This is not a one way street. I am entitled to hold a grudge, and I am quite good at it. I am sick of people with money, the ignorance of the US voting public (George W Bush?), and the incompetence of the Democratic Party (primary rules, election strategy, etc.) dictating who our president will be.

This sucks big-time. I want the best candidate. Not sloppy seconds.

- The Couch Critics, Washington, DC

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